I Can't Come Up With A Suitable Title...
This AP article by some bottom of his J-school class historically ignorant yutz named Jim Kuhnhenn.
Democrats are growing impatient with President-elect Barack Obama's refusal to inject himself in the major economic crises confronting the country. Obama has sidestepped some policy questions by saying there is only one president at a time. But the dodge is wearing thin. "He's going to have to be more assertive than he's been," House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-Mass., told consumer advocates Thursday.
Apparently the fact His O-liness doesn't like to take actual positions on things, preferring instead to avoid making hard choices and be a 'canvas for people to paint their hopes on' (yes, I'm paraphrasing) is just dawning on some in the Evil Party.
Frank, who has been dealing with both the bailout of the financial industry and a proposed rescue of Detroit automakers,
"dealing with...the bailout of the financail industry"? Um, Jimmy-boy, how come you forgot to mention that Barney the Congressional Dinosaur had a big hand in helping cause the financial meltdown? Or that Barney was fucking one of Fannie Mae's execs before the Congressman fucked the American taxpayer?
And then Jimmy wanders off, forgetting history:
this transition is occurring at an extraordinary time, with bad economic news mounting by the day and with one of the country's major industries begging for a hand to keep from collapsing.
Apparently the 1932 transition was missing from his US history book, when the economy had already been in the shitter for a couple of years. Or maybe 1860, when the South had decided it wanted to be it's own country. Or 1980, with inflation out of control and unemployment chasing it. Or 1952 or 1968, with the US involved in a couple of nasty little wars against Asian commies.