Does anyone out there in gun blog land have any good performance data on the 7.62x45mm Czech?
The best I've been able to find (from Wikipedia, no less) is launching a 130 gr bullet at between 2400-2500 fps.
References in SCC
I'm pretty sure most everyone who saw last night's episode of The Sarah Connor Chronicles caught the references to the original movie: the Terminator on a mission to kill someone with a specific name, and going after everyone with that name to make sure it gets the right one, wearing a surplus Army field jacket, and of course, the long slide 1911 with big laser sight.

The other reference is much more obscure, unless you were a fan of Steve Jackson Games back in the 80s. During one of the flashbacks to the future, Reese's buddy (who turns out to be the guy they've been working to save all episode) refers to a SkyNet tank as an "Ogre." Maybe I'm a super dork, but I'm pretty sure the writers were refering to this.
Barack Obama and the Treasonous Terrorists
Roger Simon at PJM looks at Barack "Asking Those Questions Is Racist!" Obama's relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, calls bullshit on the Obamessiah's lame explanations, and asks questions the media isn't asking.
The Chosen One's acolytes claim that they're just acquaintances, despite the fact the BHO's political coming out party took place in the Ayers-Dohrn home, and the fact that they've known each other for at least 20 years.
But Barry Boy didn't know Ayers was an active participant in a terrorist organization that carried out attacks against the US government.
Kind of like he went to Rev. "God Damn America" Wright's church for 20 years and didn't know the good Rev. hated America.
If the MSM weren't so busy fellating the junior Senator from Illinois, they would have dug into this many months ago.