And Kerry tried to make an issue of Bush being 'AWOL'
I'm contemplating whether this cause is worth some of my money. If they succeed, I wonder if the media will report it? And I wonder why Team W isn't making an issue of this?
The firearms lawsuit/Kennedy AP Ammo/Feinstein AWB mess was the first thing Kerry's voted on all year. I'm going to guess that the fetal murder bill was the second, given that the Dems are basically slaves to NARAL.
Must be great being a Senator. Skip work 60% of the time, and not only keep your job, but still get paid, too.
I've about had it with the media when it comes to illegal aliens. My wife actually had to tell me to stop yelling at the newspaper last night. What set me off was a column titled "Undocumented immigrants needs drivers licenses" Undocumented immigrants? This stupid euphemism just sets me off now. They're illegal aliens, you assholes. Key word here here is IL-LE-GAL. Their very presence in this country is a criminal act. That makes these people criminals. All these idiot PC media weenies are apologists for ciminals.
Illegal aliens don't needs drivers licenses-they need a one-way ticket on the fastest means of transportation back to wherever they came from. And we need a new law to allow the government to seize whatever assets they may have in order to help pay for their plane tickets home.
The jerkweed who wrote the column I couldn't finish reading last night (my wife took it away-I was starting to scare the baby) actually had the nerve to posit that the illegal alien problem is caused because the INS is underfunded and understaffed. Well, I'll agree in part-his reason is part right, but his reasoning is wrong. The INS isn't staffed and funded well enough to send the bastards home fast enough. And then there's the Border Patrol-that's the agency that really needs more funding and staff. Then we can keep these criminals out of the country in the first place. And the biggest problem is that the limp wrist, raised pinky crown in DC doesn't seem to give a damn.
OK, I'm going to stop before I blow a vein.
Great column by Michelle Malkin. Interesting how most of the media either glossed over or just flat out ignored the story. You can bet if it was a bunch of Second Amendment activists tromping all over Diane Feinstein's lawn, it's be news...a day or two after I first read the story, it popped into my head, "I wonder how fast the demonstration would have broken up if the INS had shown up instead of the DC cops?"