It's Not Just the MSM Who Don't Know Military Hardware
PAO soldiers can be ignorant, too.

A soldier from 2nd Battalion, 9th Cavalry searches for insurgents from the turret of his M2A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle during Operation Swarmer, Northeast of Samarra, Iraq. Photo by Staff Sgt. Alfred Johnson. To anyone with even a passing knowledge of US Army armored vehicles, the vehicle in question is an M113 with an ACAV style armored cupola to protect the gunner/TC. PAO boy and his editor need to go to basic CVI class.
Bubba's Mosin Weirdness
Everyone's seen tragic examples of what Bubba can do to milsurp rifles. Sometimes, it's truly tragic. Sometimes, it's beautiful. And sometimes, it's just odd. This one falls into that last category.
The rifle looks like it started life as a Remington-made Mosin-Nagant Model 1891. Stock looks almost like it might be homemade. Front sight doesn't look bad. Barrel was obviously cut down, can't say how good a job was done.
But check out the rear sight. It's welded on to the firing pin/safety piece. That is definitely something new.
I couldn't resist. I had to put in a bid, just out of morbid curiousity.