DiFi and Chuckles, Sitting In a Tree...
DiFi is still shilling for her beloved Evil Black Rifle Assault Weapon Magazine Fed Semi-Automatic Weapon Ban. And this time she brought along her good friend and noted anti-gun fiend, Sen. Charles "Chuckles" Schumer.
With exactly two months and fewer than 14 legislative days before the federal assault weapons ban expires, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Charles Schumer (D-NY) today implored President Bush to take an active role in seeing that the ban is renewed.
 Is it just me, or does Chuckles look an awful lot like the late John Gotti in that picture? 
"It is my hope that the President and Congress find the courage to stand up to the NRA and instead listen to law enforcement all across the nation who know that this ban makes sense and saves lives," Senator Feinstein said.
Yes, by all means, stand up to a group with 4 million dues paying members working to preserve the basic right of all Americans to have arms if they so desire in favor of the opinions of a bunch of appointed political lapdogs police chiefs who have decided their jobs would be so much easier if Joe Citizen didn't have that right.
If we do not act, this ban will expire, and these guns will come back and flood the streets of America. I implore President Bush to help stop that from happening.
Senator Helmet Hair, those guns are already here. I know you've noticed this, you and Chuckles, because you and your friends have actually tried for an even more restrictive ban than infringes even more on our rights. So you know those guns are already out there, just without any of the "evil" doodads that make them scary looking to suburban soccer moms.
"The President is throwing water on the effort to renew the assault weapons ban and breaking a promise he made in his 2000 campaign, proof positive that the NRA controls his gun policy," Senator Schumer said. "For the President to say he's for the assault weapon ban but then act against it is not being straight with the American people."
I will have to give that point to Sen. Chuckles, because President Bush is performing a fence-straddling act worthy of John Kerry himself on this issue. Saying he supports it, to get in good with the aforementioned soccer moms, while at the same time not pushing it and letting it die to make the gun rights crown happy, or at least non-hostile. And the media says that the President can't do "nuanced."
"The fact of the matter is that there is no legitimate use for these weapons."
Senator, the fact of the matter is that these weapons have a perfectly legitimate use, and that is to shoot the bastards like yourself you want to take them away from us. Or did you forget that the battles of Lexington and Concord started because of a gun raid by the British?
Ten new state polls released today confirm that there is widespread support for renewing the ban. So what? Basic rights aren't subject to the will of the majority. Polls also show widespread support for laws against burning the flag, but you seem to be perfectly OK with people doing that. The entire point of the Bill of Rights (a document that you seem not to have read) is to protect the basic rights of the people from the tyranny of the majority. Apparently a basic understanding of how our system of government works isn't required to be a Senator.
Blogger's New Post Editor Is a Pain in the Ass
I'd learned how to make the old one do the things I wanted it to do, so the have to go and change it. And now my posts are all fucked up. Thanks a bunch, assholes. Thanks a bunch.
The President is a Good Man
Subtitle: Oh, That Liberal Media
Wonderful story from Tech Central Station. Found via The Corner .
This sounds like a scene from some weepy, bad movie. There's this young Army National Guard sergeant lying in bed at an Army
hospital. He's really down. He lost his right leg to a landmine in Afghanistan. Lot
of hustle and bustle out in the hall. Someone's coming to visit the wounded.
Turns out it's the President of the United States.
He stops by the young sergeant's bed. They talk. It's a little awkward.
What do you say to a guy that loves to run, loves physical activity, and now
his leg is gone from the knee down.
But this sergeant tries to be upbeat and he's been told all about
prosthetic legs and he has resolved that, dammit, one day he'll run again.
The President is impressed. Tell you what, he says to the sergeant, let's
keep in touch and when you're ready to run a mile I'll run it with you.
Yeah, sure.
But, sure enough, a year and a half later, there's this young sergeant in
shorts and an Army windbreaker, running on his prosthetic leg. And running
beside him? The President of the United States.
Yeah, sure.
Well, this story is true. It really happened.
The young soldier is named Michael McNaughton, from a little place called
Denham Springs, La. And the President is George Bush.
Now, any of you want to take bets that if this were
Senator Kerry or Edwards, this would have been a prominent news item in just
about every format?
Test Post
Blogger is now blocked at work. Testing blogging by email. This is only a test. Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!
Just to Bother DiFi a Bit More...
I just noticed that AIM Surplus has shooter grade Yugoslav M59/66 SKS rifles for sale for $89+S/H. So for those of us with a Curio & Relic license, that's a super evil high-powered cop killer rifle for about $100.
I may just have to buy myself another one (the wife and I already have a His & Hers set) just to hack off DiFi & friends. Then take a picture of myself, the gun, a big Scheisse-eating grin and my middle finger, and send it to her.
You Go to Hell! You Go to Hell and You Die!!!!!
Not content with trying to deny Americans their God-given right to bear arms, the arrogant bitch Senator from the People's Republic of California wants to deny that right to the entire world. And quite possibly try to sell out our rights to the U.N. From her own website:
Washington, DC – Senators Dianne Feinstein ( D-Calif. ), Patrick Leahy ( D-Vt. ), and Daniel Akaka ( D-Hawaii ) have introduced legislation to address the growing threat of small arms and light weapons.
"The proliferation of small arms and light weapons threaten peace and stability around the world," Senator Feinstein said. "From Afghanistan to Bosnia , and Rwanda to Haiti , these weapons kill innocent civilians, undermine economic growth and harm U.S. national security interests. With hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops deployed around the world in peacekeeping and security operations, small arms and light weapons directly threaten the lives of our American military personnel. It is incumbent upon this Congress and this Administration to do everything in its power and use every tool at our disposal to protect our troops."
Oh, so know instead of "for the children," it's "for the troops." I've got news for you, Senator-most of those guns that are killing our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were made in the USSR and/or Red China. The Soviets basically gave away millions of AK-47s during the Cold War. You can pass all the treaties and stuff that you want, but all those guns will still be there, and arms smugglers will still be selling them.
There are an estimated 639 million firearms in circulation around the world. Each year 300,000 people are killed by these small arms – a majority of those killed are civilians.
Something like 210 million of those guns live right here in America, Senator, where they keep the likes of you from oppressing the likes of me.
And did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, if some of those 300,000 civilians-like the ones in Darfur-had had guns of their own, they might not be dead right now?
The legislation introduced on July 8 by Senators Feinstein, Leahy and Akaka would:
• express the Sense of Congress that the United States should enter into negotiations for comprehensive international agreements on small arms;
Gee, the only "international agreements on small arms" I've heard proposed are ones that involved not allowing civilians to have guns. So, Senator, I have just more thing to say to you: Go fuck yourself. I'll be damned if I'm going to turn over my guns to a bunch of blue-beenied assclowns.
Molon Labe, bitch.
More Congitive Dissonance
From FoxNews.com
Anarchists Pursue Chaos at GOP Convention
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Reports show that fringe groups are hatching a plot on the Internet, telling people how to attack and trick police with the ultimate goal of evacuating Madison Square Garden (search). The suggestions include everything from throwing marbles in the path of police-mounted horses to going to shooting ranges before heading to the convention so that their clothes will reek of gunpowder and trick bomb-sniffing dogs on the subways and commuter trains.
Here's what I can't figure out: Anarchists are supposed to favor the abolition of all forms of government, right? Now, the GOP, especially under Bush II and his "compassionate conservatism" thing, have become a party of big government, as opposed to their support for reducing the scope of government (in theory, at least) under Reagan and the 1994 Contract with America. But given the Big Government bent of the current GOP, I can understand why the anarchists would oppose them.
But, given the the Socialist Democratic party is even more in favor of expanding the government than the GOP, why aren't the anarchists plotting to disrupt the Dems' convention in Boston?
Doesn't make much sense to me.
Pistol Packing Mama
My wife received her Washington state CPL in the mail yesterday, approxmiately 30 days after it was applied for. So she an now legally pack heat in Washington and a few other states. Life is good.
DiFi is Lying and Distorting Again
From the Houston Chronicle; Hat tip to Jeff's Weekly Check on the Bias.
Her beloved AWB seems to be staring oblivion in the face, so DiFi is turning on the scaremongering. Of course, there's some lying and distortion going on in there, but what's really amusing is she, in a kind of sideways manner, she admits that her ban doesn't mean much. To the quotes!
"It’s hard for me to understand why the president won’t act," Feinstein said. "We know that there are shiploads of guns waiting to come into this country and be sold. And we know that when the ban expires they are going to appear in gunshops all over America.
Senator, importation of these guns is covered by a totally different law. There may be shiploads of parts kits containing such fun doodads as bayonet lugs, rifle grenade launchers, and folding stocks waiting for September 14th, but there aren't any shiploads of guns. Likewise, companies such as Armalite, Bushmaster, and Olympic Arms may have truckloads of parts and even complete guns ready to ship, but they're already in this country. And I sure hope they appear in gunshops all over, because I want to buy one. Or two, or three...
We also know that the domestic manufacture of the large ammunition feeding devices that make these weapons so deadly — in that you can fire dozens of rounds without having to reload — will begin again.
So, Senator, are you admitting that all of those other naughty features-folding stocks, bayonet lugs, etc, really have no effect on the functioning of the weapon? If it's only the magazines that make the weapons deadly, why are you so worried about the other things?
And I certainly hope a lot more companies start making standard capacity magazines. Maybe then the Army won't have such a tough time getting replacement magazines for it's M-16s and M-4s. Right now there's only one or two companies that make them in the U.S., because they can't make enough money selling just to the government. Right now, the Army alone is has backorders for 30 rounds magazines totalling over one million magazines. More factories making more magazines means our troops get them quicker
Another interesting quote, not from DiFi, appears further down in the article:
"We think that the current law has been completely evaded by the gun industry, so expiration is not going to change what’s going on in the marketplace right now. It’s more important to push for a stronger bill," said Kristen Rand, of the Violence Policy Center.
Miss Rand, don't you mean that the law has been complied with by the industry? Just because the law isn't achieving the illegitimate ends you wanted it to, doesn't mean that it is being "evaded." And then, of course, her last sentence, yet another example of the "Do it again, only HARDER!!!!" syndrome consistently found among the gun grabbers. (Apologies to Smallest Minority)