Good Day
Visited a pawn/gun shop near my in-laws house today. They're a rare area shop that carries a selection of mil-surps from Century, but I'm generall not too interested in those, since I can get them cheaper with my C&R.
But today they had some others-a couple of Finn M39s, a Persian Gew98/29 (well worn and sporting considerable cosmoline), and a nicely sporterized Remington M1917. If the 1917 had possessed a rear iron sight of any sort, it would have left the store with me.
As it was, I left with 180 rounds of Danish .30-06 on stripper clips (not Garand clips) and two boxes of Hot Shot 7.62x54R 180gr SPs. I'm pretty sure this is the same stuff that's sold under the Wolf Gold line, and I plan on picking up some of that to test it head to head.
I have noticed one annoying trend-I'm buying ammo faster than I've been shooting it. Except 7.62x39 and .223. Guess I'll have to fix that at the next gunshow.
Turkey Day AAR
I guess I can say that, at age 32, I'm officially an adult. Or maybe my wife is, because it was her decision. But, for the first time, a family Thanksgiving was hosted at my house. My wife planned and directed the whole operation-I just kept the kids from hurting each other and made gluhwein.
19 people total, including myself, the Mrs, and our two boys.
Of those, 6 were boys age 6 years or younger.
Were it not for massive traffic tie-ups on I-5 that delayed some arrivals, the whole thing would have gone off on schedule and according to plan.
Not bad for a first time. Oh, and the meal was great, too.
 HT: Cowboy Blob