 | What Kind of a Western Bad-Ass are You? created with QuizFarm.com | You scored as Clint Eastwood Names aren't important as you dish out steaming bowls of piping hot brutality to your enemies. You also enjoy a good spaghetti dinner once in a while.
Charles Bronson | | 88% | Clint Eastwood | | 88% | Lee Van Cleef | | 75% | John Wayne | | 75% | Lee Marvin | | 63% |
Gun Buying News
So the Army finally paid me my travel pay, $6700 and change, which paid off my credit card debt (incurred mostly for repairs and maintenance on my Audi, since traded in for a Honda Pilot Mom-mobile for the Mrs.) and the remaining debt on my truck. They still owe me around $1700 for 209 days of family separation for my two TDY schools. Plus, I finally got the taxes done, and got my share of the refund, around $400.
So, with that $400, I'm buying a police trade-in Beretta 92FS. Why a 92? Because the Mrs. and I both have to qualify with the M9, plus I need to practice as much as possible for the EIC pistol matches, if I ever get a chance to shoot in one again. Oh, and I already have several magazines for it. Thanks to NC's racist, Jim Crow holdover handgun purchase laws, I only have to get the Sherriff's permission and wait a couple weeks for this one.
When I finally get my separation pay, plan on ordering one of these, or actually something very similar from FBMG (whose website is inop at the moment), since Tromix isn't taking new orders right now. Yes, Barb, that's the scary looking shottie I was talking about.
Finally, when my unit deploys next year, I'll probably be issued an M16A2. I didn't see nearly enough M9s or M4s in our arms room for me to warrant either one. So I'm planning on buying a DPMS SDM-R upper (General Order #1 says no private firearms; it makes no mention of parts) to shoot with while I'm there (I'm a staff puke, though, so unless someting goes seriously awry, any shooting I do will be on a range.)
I'm debating what kind of glass to put on it. I know ACOGs are great, but I want something that can go down to 1x or close to it, not a fixed magnification. So right now I've got my choices narrowed down to the Leupold Mk4 CQ/T and the IOR Valdada 1.1-4x26 CRT. Yeah, I'd love the Schmidt & Bender, but $2500 is beyond my price range.
Opinions? Advice?