Blogging Blind
My web connection at work is still Tango Uniform, which is extremely frustrating. I'm going through blogosphere withdrawals. Aside from a couple of blogs that I always read at home before going to work (because they're blocked at work), I haven't seen a blog since Monday.
Dammit, I need my HighRoad fix.
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AIM $69 Yugo SKS
The $69.95 Yugo M59/66 I ordered from AIM Surplus arrived on Monday. As usual for these rifles, it was liberally coated in cosmoline, so a thorough examination, especially of the inner workings, has not been possible. The outside looks better on first inspection than I expected, however. The stock appears to be in surprisingly good shape, and while the metal does show significant finish wear, I expected that.
The biggest surprise was the inclusion of a log book, which heretofore I had only seen with rifles advertised in "as new" or "unissued" condition. The book shows that my rifle was made in 1969. Oddly, though, it only shows two entries, one in 1997 and one in 2002. Now I have to learn to read Serbo-Croatian (and I'm not sure which part of the language at that) to figure out what they're for.
Overall, I'm well satisfied with the value for the money. If they keep this deal going I may have to get another one.
John Kerry, Coalition Builder
John Kerry has talked much about how, as President, he would be able to build coalitions to more effectively fight the War on Islamofascism. In furtherance of that goal, today, while Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Allawi addressed Congress, John Kerry blew him off and instead campaigned in Ohio.
At the present time, Iraq is probably the single most important country in the war. And ignoring their leader is not exactly the way to build warm relations. Then again, Ohio is a key swing state, and Mr. Allawi doesn't vote there.
I think this is another indicator of just how inept a campaign Senator Kerry is running. He could have scored some serious diplo-points by attending Prime Minister Allawi's address, and as the possible (*shudder*) future President, I'm sure he could have gotten at least some face time with him. At least appear statesman-like, a good photo-op. Not to mention the value of building relationships that might prove useful in the future. Instead, Kerry is in Ohio calling President Bush a liar.
I guess Mr. Allawi wasn't one of those unnamed foreign leaders who want Senator Kerry to win in November.
Light Posting
Sorry I haven't posted much for the last couple of days. I do most my posting at work, and our network is being reconfigured. My computer has been offline for the last couple of days. Normal posting will resume once I have web access back.
My Son Can Crawl
I got to see it for the first time tonight. He first did it a couple of days ago, but never while I was home.
It's so cool to watch.
Found Someone You Have
Apparently I'm Yoda. Hat tip to The Geek.

Gun Geekery
Watching TV with my lovely wife this weekend. We were watching a show on VH1 about the original Star Wars moives. I had a wonderful time pointing out what kind of guns were used to build the various blasters. Still haven't figured out what they used for Boba Fett, though.
Also watched parts of the Indiana Jones movies over the weekend, while watching/playing with my son. I noticed something else: in the scenes in Raiders and Last Crusade where the bad guys have hired Arab auxiliary thugs, the rifle carriers all have Mausers. And not a single one of them had a cleaning rod still in his rifle.