Paging Black Jack Pershing...
Shootings against Border Patrol escalating
More than two dozen shots were fired at Border Patrol agents from across the Rio Grande on Friday and Wednesday, marking a large increase in such shootings in this sector of the border, an agency official said.
In fiscal year 2005, there were a total of six shootings, said Julio Salinas, spokesman for the Rio Grande Valley sector Border Patrol.
The shootings reported Friday and Wednesday are the sixth and seventh shootings since fiscal year began Oct. 1, officials said.
This kind of shit is getting out of hand. Especially in light of these kinds of shenanigans, El Presidente Bush's attempts to play footsie with El Jefe Fox are quite nauseating. Here's what President Bush needs to be saying to Fox on the phone tonight:
"Hey, small red dog like mammal? It's me, George, your neighbor. No, I'm not your friend anymore. Let me remind you of a little bit of history, compadre. You remember what happened when Pancho Villa decided to get silly and shoot some of our citizens? Well, you don't stop the guys on your side of the line from shooting at my people, we're going to do it again. Only this time we won't just chase our dicks around the desert and go home. We're going to blow up and burn down every drug lord's villa between the Rio Grande and that shithole smog pit you call a capital. And just for fun I'm going to have a Predator with a hellfire under the wing follow your limo around everywhere you go. And it's going to be my finger on the trigger.
Oh, and by the way, until you get control of your side of the border, I've told Western Union and all the other wire services that they can't transfer money to your country. So get cracking, amigo."
I figure a Stryker brigade and an armored cav regiment-say, 2CR and 3ACR-ought to be able to do the necessary damage.
Home State News
The Washington state GOP is preparing for November's elections by offering up a statewide agenda that GOP legislators will push in this year's upcoming session. The document as of yet doesn't have any specifics, and the GOP is the minority in both houses and Mrs Gregoire (see here for an amusing story about her silly dog) is a Seattle socialist Democrat, so I don't expect much, except maybe on sex offenders. I'll have more comments and my own proposals soon.
Meanwhile, a Seattle socialist Democrat has apparently decided to pick on Wal-Mart for not spending enough on health care for it's workers by offering up a smoldering turd of an anti-capitalist free market bill that would require all companies with more than 5,000 employees (which would be Wally World, Boeing, Microsoft, and a couple others, although it would really only effect Wally World) to spend at least 9% of their revenues on employee health care. I really don't get the socialist "Progressive" Left: why the hell do they hate Wally World so much? Wal-Mart has done more to fight poverty (by hiring more folks that anyone except Uncle Sam) than any Great Society or New Deal handout program. And a huge chunk of their voter base shops there. (Maybe that's it: tons of Dem voters shop at Wal-Mart, and Wal-Mart brass gives tons of money to the GOP. And Wal-Mart is non-union, and they want to suck of a that money into their own campaign funds.)
Dang Him
Say Uncle's postings have given me the urge to build a 9mm AR. The continuously rainy weather in this part of the world, and the fact that a 9mm AR can be fired indoors, make me want one more.
Should I decide to do it, and get permission from the Mrs, I'm faced with a conundrum: the home offices of not one, but TWO makers of AR receivers-Olympic Arms and Mega Machine-are both located within 10 miles of where I'm now living. Oly gives discounts to active duty military (+1 to them, maybe. Gotta check the end price), not sure about Mega, if they even sell direct to the public. If they don't, there's a dealer (Carrico'z) within 5 miles who sells Megas for $99.
Nothing like keeping the dollars in the home state and building a fun toy.
 Having obtained a weight of 9 lbs and a length of 21 inches, and in view of his demonstrated abilities in breathing, crying, opening his eyes, wiggling his appendages, and being outside his mother,
HL #2
Is hereby promoted in the Human Race from the rank of Fetus
To the rank of Infant
Effective 1126 hours, PST, 03 JAN 2006
Heartless Libertarian CPT, IN Adjutant
--------------------- Mother and child are currently conducting recovery operations and preparing for future missions. And BTW, that haircut is within regs.
One Last Look: Gun Buys of 2005
From Jeff via Uncle: guns I got last year.
VZ-52/57 SHE


BAG Day folding stock, no-ban WASR

And for good measure, even though she says it makes her butt look big, since this is the most Googled image on my blog, the Mrs with the WASR

And, as seen just last month, the IH Garand

Not pictured, because I don't have pictures: the Ruger 22/45 I gave my wife for Christmas, the SAFN-49 I bought in October, and the CMP M1903A3 which sits, still coated in cosmoline, in the closet since arriving about 3 weeks ago.
Firearms Wishes for 2006
This has nothing to do with wishes for laws to be passed, repealed, overturned or upheld by the courts, or any Road to Damascus moments for the Usual Suspects on the subject of the right to keep and bear arms. It's just a couple items of gun stuff I'd love to see in the coming year.
Military Small Arms Last year, SOCOM officially said yes to a new SCAR, and issued a set of requirements for a new pistol. Meanwhile, Big Army officially canned the XM8 program. So what I'd like to see come out of the Pentagon this year is new sets of requirements for replacements for the M9 pistol, M16/M4 rifle/carbine, and possibly the M249 SAW, and then an open and honest competition for contracts.
Concurrently, I'd like to see a separate test to evaluate the possibility of a new rifle/carbine/LMG round. Put the requirements-accuracy, penetration, and terminal ballistics at given ranges, cartridge size/weight, etc, let the ammo design wizards have at it, and then, unlike the 1950s, go with the best round.
More 10mm Pistols This pops up and gunboards every few months, and there's a pretty standard list of pistols that 10mm afficianados would like to see in our favorite caliber-the Sig P220, the HK USP, and the CZ-97B. Of those, the one I'd most like to see is the CZ-97, since I already have both a P220 and USP, in .45, in my collection, but no CZ. I'd also love to see Springfield Armory or Colt make a Commander size 1911 in 10mm, which I think would make a terrific carry gun.
XCR: from Vaporware to Firmware C'mon RobArm, when the heck are you going to ship these things?