Stumping the Chumps
UPDATE: The gun is apparently an Agram 2002, made in Croatia. You find a pic at this link (scroll to the end), but I can't read Cyrillic (Russian? Serbo-Croat?)

From this post on THR. It's been up for just short of a day and nobody has been able to ID the weird movie-prop looking pistol.
Junior Makes Me Laugh
So I'm reading a Richard Scarry book of Mother Goose nursery rhymes to Junior. He especially likes the ones that I sing the verse, like London Bridge and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
His absolute favorite is Old King Cole. But I don't do that one per the book-I use the Army marching cadence version.
"Old King Cole was a merry old soul, And a merry old soul was he (uh huh). And he called for his pipe and he called for his bowl, And he called for his Privates three (uh huh).
"Beer! Beer! Beer!" said the Privates. "For merry men are we! But not so fair that we can compare To the Airborne Infantry!"
To which, yesterday, Junior replied, "The Airborne kicks butt!"
All the Way, kid!
Price Slashing!
Due to insufficient consumer demand at the old price point, the asking price for the Kahr K40 Elite has been reduced to $550.
More From Michael Yon
Michael Yon has posted several dispatches since I last called attention to him.
His latest, Superman, talks about Stryker troops and their Strykers, one Stryker in particular.
From Today's WSJ
Randy Barnett, one of the plaintiff's attorney's in Raich, author of Restoring the Lost Constitution, on Libertarians and the War.
And John Fund finds the one government agency whose budget that the DemCong want to cut-the agency that monitors unions' compliance with federal law.
You have come to me asking that I be your guide along the path of Tae Kwon Leap.
*Transcript for the audio restricted*
Glimpse of Our New Century
"I'm really embarrassed about this, and that's why I have to post it on the internet." -Anonymous