Win Free Ammo!
Firearm Blog is running an ammo giveaway contest for Lucky Gunner. In exchange for posting a link to Lucky Gunner (and to this contest) he will enter you in a draw to win 1000 rounds of .380 ACP (Military Ballistics Industries 95 gr FMJ ).
Yes! 1000 rounds of once impossible to find .380 ACP from Lucky Gunner! Which, since the Mrs. has a Raspberry Red Ruger LCP on layaway (see earlier post on annoying NC paperwork), this could be what is known as a Good Thing.
At least I don't have to worry about trying to give it away and having to run away from someone's husband.
Full Disclosure: Lucky Gunner does not pay for advertising on this site. Though if they would like to do so, I would be more than happy to do so. I think the going rate for the 20 or so pairs of eyeballs I can deliver is probably about $.01/month. Which means they wouldn't have to send me a 1099!
So I've decided to pursue homebrewing as a new hobby.
Anyone out there have any recommendations for good books for getting started, and good internet-based supply sources? (Fayetteville lacking any brewing stores that I've been able to find.)
New Shottie, and NC Paperwork PITAs
So yesterday I was finally able to pick up the Saiga-12 conversion I ordered from Cadiz Gun Works back before I deployed. I say finally because I ordered the gun back in the gun buying panic right after the innauguration of The Big Mistake, and due to the order backlog, it wasn't ready until after I had already deployed. Big Kudos to CGW for being understanding and holding on to it until I got home. Now I need to get some 12 gauge slugs (the post range only allows use of actual shotshells during the various bird seasons, and only for patterning.)
Now, on to the NC PITAs...so, the Mrs and I have two pistols on layaway at another local gun store (Ruger LCP and Springfield Loaded Champion). NC requires that you obtain a 'pistol purchase permit' from the sheriff's office (which I'm sure is one of their Jim Crow relics) in order to buy a handgun (but not for long guns). Because Fort Bragg adds another couple of steps to this process, but for soldiers only, not dependants, the Mrs applied for the permits.
So yesterday the permits were ready, so, papers in hand, we went to pay for and pick up the pistols. Only to find out that, while servicemembers only need orders and military ID, dependants need to obtain some form of NC ID. (We both still have WA driver's licenses, since WA issues them with open-ended expiration dates for military and spouses.) So today the Mrs has to go back to the county DMV office to get an ID.
Oh, and since I goofed and put my name instead of hers on one of the layaway slips, I still have to jump through the hoops erected by Fort Bragg and get a form from PMO and then a signature from my company commander. Ugh.
The Self Parody Continues
So the NAACP is accusing the Tea Party of being 'racist.'
Which I guess means that opposition to idiotic, out-of-control, destructive spending policies is rascist if if the leading idiotic, out-of-control spender happens to be black.
Apparently this guy didn't notice (photo taken by my dad, April 15th, in Pleasanton, CA)

And somebody refresh my memory: has the NAACP ever denounced the Black Panthers?
Oh Bubba, Why?
Seen yesterday at Jim's Gun Jobbery on Yadkin Road: a 1904 Iszhevsk (bow and arrow marking) M1891, still with Imperial Eagle, matching bolt, and no immediately visible import marks.
Barrel cut to 20", rear sight gone (front sight went with the front of the barrel, I assume), receiver drilled and tapped for a single scope ring, and bolt knob ground on each side to make the front and back sides vertically flat.
On the other hand, the wood (original stock, cut down) was fairly nicely refinished.
$89.99 (and on the Clearance rack) if any of ya'll are near Ft Bragg and are interested.