Question for the FEC
Does live coverage of a candidate's campaign appearance by CSPAN constitute an in-kind contribution? How about when they show the candidate's campaign website at the bottom of the screen? And if so, how much is it worth?
I ask because Obama the Chicago machine Socialist is live on CSPAN right now, with his website at the bottom of the screen. And I'm willing to bet there's at least one other candidate, GOP or Dem, having an event of their own right now, who isn't being covered live on CSPAN.
History Channel Rant
Is it just me, or is the History Channel going completely to shit? Or at least, is it's programming for some reason becoming more and more into stuff that should be on Discovery, National Geographic, or some other channel?
I mean, what the fuck is up with this "Earth Without Humans" show? Last I checked, Earth hasn't been without humans for many, many eons. If you want to talk about dinosaurs roaming the planet, yes, technically that would be history. But speculating about what happens if mankind were to suddenly disappear? That's not history, you idiots.
Or this whole recent obsession with UFOs. What the hell is that all about? Yes, technically the UFO sightings occurred in the past, and thus, yes, are technically history. But jumping Jehovah, it's all just a bunch of speculation, conjecture, and uncorroborated yarns. It's not history.
Or the "Mega Disasters" franchise. If you want to have shows about the 1906 San Francisco quake, or the New Madrid quake, or Krakatoa, or the Little Ice Age, go for it. But leave the speculation about what it would do today to the Discovery channel.
The sad part is, History Channel puts out some really good stuff, when they stick to actual history. And there's so much interesting stuff in history to make shows about. Hell, there's a ton of great shows already out there that I'd happily park myself in front of the boob tube to watch. Anyone else up for a Blood Upon the Snow marathon? I don't think ya'll have made any shows, minseries, or series about the War of 1812 or the Mexican-American War yet. And that's just without leaving North America. I'm sure the Napoleonic Wars would make for many, many hours of great television. Or, if you want to be really controversial, how about a series about Mohammed and the rise of Islam? Great history, and extremely relevant to current events.
So how about it, History Channel? Think you can go back to shows about history?
From Dickapedia:
On February 3, 2008, Tom Brady will lead the Patriots against the New York Giants in Super Bowl XLII, aka Super Bowl Double Extra Large. If the Patriots win, that means Boston will claim both the World Series and the Super Bowl in the same year. If that happens, there’s an excellent chance the entire city will be burned down in a cataclysm of celebratory looting. This is absolutely fine, considering that Boston totally sucks. HT: Analog Phil
In 1974 (the year you were born) |  Gerald Ford becomes president of the US
Hank Aaron hits his 715th home run to beat Babe Ruth's record
Impeachment hearings are opened against President Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee
President Nixon resigns
President Gerald Ford issues an unconditional pardon to ex-President Nixon for all federal crimes
Muhammad Ali knocks out George Foreman in the eighth round to regain the heavyweight crown in Zaire
Heiress Patty Hearst is kidnapped by and eventually joins the Symbionese Liberation Army
Dungeons & Dragons officially released
People magazine is published for the first time
Kate Moss, Alyson Hannigan, Penelope Cruz, Alanis Morissette, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ryan Seacrest are born
Oakland Athletics win the World Series
Miami Dolphins win Superbowl VIII
Philadelphia Flyers win the Stanley Cup
Blazing Saddles is the top grossing film
All the President's Men by Bernstein and Woodward is published
"Killing Me Softly With His Song" wins Grammy for song of the year |