5 Favorite Planes
I've seen this one all over, and figured I needed to chime in. My choices are heavily influenced by my dad's interest in WWII and pre-WWII aviation.
#5: A4 Skyhawk
AKA the Scooter. Still in service in some parts of the world, the Skyhawk was a product of the fertile mind of Ed Heinemann. Also, the only non F-designated aircraft used as the primary aircraft by the Blue Angels (the C-130 doesn't count.)
#4: B-52 Stratofortress
Half a century of service, the BUFF is quite simply the best bomb truck every built.
#3: F7F Tigercat
 Designed as a night fighter for the Navy during WWII, it was ready to late. But it's still damn cool looking.
#2: DC-3/C-47
The plane that carried America's paratroops in WWII, in it's civilian form, it still serves as an airliner and commercial cargo planes in some parts of the world.
#1: F4U Corsair
I've loved the Corsair ever since I watched "Baa Baa Black Sheep" as a kid. Most folks love the Mustang and/or the Spitfire, but for me, there's always been something about the Corsair. Maybe it's those bent wings.
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