I was working on a much longer post, but my browser crashed and dumped all the pages with all the supporting web articles I was going to link to. So here goes, without the linkage.
Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Emmauel, et al...they're all INSANE. Insane in the "trying the same thing, expecting different results" sense. Because everything they're doing to 'solve' the current economic problems, and most everything on their wish list of policy proposals, has been done before, and failed.
Bailing out the banks when a credit and real estate bubble bursts? Japan tried that in the '90s. Now they call it "the Lost Decade." And Japan has a cultural ethic of saving to cushion the long economic stagnation. America doesn't, at least not since the Baby Boomers came of age. (We'll ignore the idiocy of trying to get banks to lend more, and consumers to borrow more, when it was unsustainable debt levels that caused the crisis in the first place.)
Massive spending to try to stimulate the economy out of recession/depression? FDR tried in in the Raw New Deal. Unemployment didn't get below 14% until the draft started in earnest in the run up to WWII.
Cap and trade to reduce carbon emissions? Europe's been trying it, and it's been a failure.
Socialized medicine? Yeah, Europe and Canada have tried that, too, and it's awful. Or do they think that Canadians who can afford it come to the US because their healthcare system provides so much better care than ours?
And finally, increased unionization of the private sector. Name one industry that has been made more efficient and competitive by unionization. I know it's been great for the Big 3. [/sarcasm]
Of course, they think all these failures were simply because the 'right people' weren't in charge. (Team Obama, of course, is the 'right people.') The failures, of course, can't be because the programs are based on a flawed ideology and will inevitably collapse when they collide with reality. Because the ideology CAN'T be wrong. So, as Kevin says, "Do it AGAIN, HARDER!!"
And we all know what they're doing to all of us. BOHICA, harder.