F*ck the TSA
 Picture from the Denver Post
One word, for the guys out there: KILTS. For maximum effect, wear one in the traditional Scottish manner.
This moment in civil disobedience harassment brought to you by Larry.
Chuck Schumer is an Assclown, Part....I've Lost Count
All of this started because of multiple incidents of college kids drinking too much and managing, in various ways, to end up dead. Because somewhere in the last century, it was decided that the primary function of the .gov was to be a super-nanny to protect all of its citizens children from our own stupidity.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will effectively ban the sale of beverages that combine caffeine and alcohol...by ruling that caffeine is an unsafe food additive, according to Senator Charles Schumer (Assclown-N.Y.)
There is so much stupid in this single sentence, it's hard to know where to start.
First of all, is the FDA going to start going into every bar in the country to tell them to stop mixing rum and coke, Jack and coke, Red Bull and vodka, Jaeger bombs, and Irish coffee? Because all of those have caffeine and alcohol.
Second, if caffeine is "an unsafe food additive," why isn't the FDA banning Coke, Pepsi, coffee, and tea?
And finally, when the hell did was FDA - a bureaucracy, part of the executive branch, not even the legislative - granted the power to just up and ban stuff? Back in 1919, it required a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to ban booze. It's been a while since I took Con Law back at UCD, but I'm reasonably certain that the relevant portions of the Constitution haven't changed in the intervening 90 years. So when the hell did a bunch of unelected bureaucratic busybodies acquire the power to tell me what I can or can't drink?
Here's the sentence I'd like to read:
"The U.S. Senate will effectively ban Senator Charles Schumer from legislating, by ruling that assclownery is dangerous to the Republic."