I hate ties. I really, truly do. The black uniform tie that I wear with my dress uniforms (greens, and blues before 1800) was tied once, on 15 June 1996, and hasn't been untied since. That's how much I dislike ties.
And yet, now where I'm in a situation where I have to wear them almost every day, I find myself wanting to purchase some more. Some that are different from the non-descript patterns that myself and all the other guys in my class (and for that matter, most of the population of the War College) wear.
I found some interesting ones at this site. I especially like the Gadsden Flag tie. I figure maybe a Constitution one and a Declaration of Independence one to go with it. None of the ones with too many pictures though.
Kalifornia Discovers Capitalism in Health Care
From today's SJ Mercury News
As a whole, California hospitals charge billions of dollars more for their services than it costs to provide them, according to a report released Tuesday OK, can anyone out there name a single business that routinely charges the same or less for their products than it costs to produce them? And I'm not talking about loss leaders here. You can't? I didn't think you could.
"We're seeing hospitals charging whatever the market will bear," added Peter Lee, CEO of the Pacific Business Group on Health. Peter, how did you get to be the CEO of anything if you don't understand capitalism? Charging what the market will bear is what capitalism is all about. Note to Pacific Business Group on Health: fire this imbecile post haste.
Note to whomever's listening: healthcare is not a right. It is a combination of goods and services which has to be provided to the customer. Providing it is not free. Something that is a right doesn't cost anyone else anything for you to have it. Healthcare, as I said, is a combination of goods and services, provided by people with highly specialized and expensive to obtain skill sets. If you don't like how much they want for their product, go get it from another provided who charges less, or do without.
Anybody Else Get One of These?
Just arrived in my email inbox - a "Draft Blooming Idiotberg" petition thing. Has links to code for buttons for you blog and everything.
They may have a well resourced organization, but apparently they don't bother to actually research anything about the owners of the blogs they send this crap to. You'd think anyone who supports that nannyist jackass would figure out that they aren't going to get support from any blogs with 'Libertarian' in the name.
And especially from a blogger who loves guns and supports the Second Amendment.
Note to Doug Bailey and Jerry Rafshoon: your man in a big government, nanny-statist asshole who has no respect for the Constitution of this country. And you, sirs, are idiots. Feel free to send me more email if you enjoy being made fun of.
What He Said
Gerard van der Leun on New Orleans
We've already poured billions over this raw festering sore of a city. The infection is still there and it gets more virulent by the day. And now we find that the denizens of this sewer want us to actually pay billions and trillions more to keep this chancrous old collection of corruption afloat? I don't think so. But con-artists don't stop conning until you stop them. My suggestion to the Army Corps of Engineers is simple. The next time any of the poor sots of New Orleans come staggering up to the Federal Courts shaking the begging cup, blow all the levees and let the city drown its sorrows in the Mississippi.
I don't think I can improve on that. HT Insty
Where Have You Gone, John Ashcroft?
I doubt the DoJ would have filed an amicus in Heller on the DC side if he was still running the joint.
Details on the filing at Dave Hardy's site.
My only comment is something I've noted before: in general (there are individual exceptions), Republicans treat gun owners like Democrats treat blacks -- they take us for granted, and screw us over when it suits them.
Kind of Disconcerting
 I'm half watching The Sarah Connor Chronicles whilst I try to summarize a portion of Max Boot's The Savage Wars of Peace for class. The obligatory good Terminator is played by Summer Glau.
Summer is perhaps best known for playing River Tam in the excellent, but short lived series Firefly.
I almost have to wonder who would be a better protector - River, or a Terminator. But the Terminators sure are getting smaller and cuter.