Blogger Ate My Blog
Sometime Saturday afternoon, an apparent bug in Blogger's system ate my template. And stupid me hadn't backed up my template. And of course, this happened right before a 4 day field problem (for you non-Army types, that means I was out in the woods, being sweaty and smelly and doing some serious earning of your taxpayer dollars. Thank you for paying my salary, BTW). So now I'm back, and hopefully I'll have things back to normal by the end of the weekend. Thank you for your patience during this time of trial.
We apologize for the inconvienence, and now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.
Oh, I also have to rebuild my entire blogroll. If you were on my blogroll, or would like to be, send me the URL to your page. Thanks.
EDIT: It has been pointed out that this temporary template lacks my email address. The email address is: heartlesslibertarianATyahooDOTcom.