Which Red Dawn Character Are You?
 Jed Eckert...The Leader...
Which Red Dawn Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Odd...since I generally prefer an XO type job to being the top guy. But hey, every 6 needs a good 5.
Actually, I think I got his because I actually could/would brief the tactical plan using doctrinal terms around the campfire. Professionalism dies hard.
Garand pr0n

The rifle is a 1953 vintage made by International Harvester.
Ammo in bandoliers is Dutch, 1980s vintage. Ammo in the boxes is Frankford Arsenal, made in 1955.
Just In Time For Christmas...
I received a new catalog from Brownell's. Too bad my wife has already finished her Christmas shopping.
I'm especially interested in the 1911 parts, since I'd like to upgrade my Delta Elite. I know mostly what I want to do, just not which specific parts to use. I want to add a beavertail grip safety, extended thumb safety, and checkered flat mainspring housing. Oh, and new sights-it came with white three dots, and one of the dots fell off last time I took it to the range.
Any recomendations for whose parts to go with? I'm leaning toward Wilson for most of them, maybe Les Baer for the safety.