Barking Up the Family Tree
My dad's hobby, now that he's retired, is geneology. With This One's impending arrival, I requested he send me what he's found so I could go rummaging for names.
A couple of things I found:
1) There's a couple of trashy branches. I found two relatives, one born in 1988, the other in 1989, named Amber Lynn Xxxxx.
UPDATE: Make it three. I found another born in 1987.
This woman's career began in 1984.
2) My family is mostly of German origin, and I have many ancestors named Adolph or Adolf. Naturally, you don't find any after 1940 or so. I actually think the name itself is kind of cool, but it would never dream of using it for the obvious reason. Fucking Hitler.
I'm Predisposed to Like Sarah Palin
Rough sketch of Gov. Sarah Palin:
1) She's a mom
2) She's conservative
3) She's gun friendly
4) She's not afraid to get dirty
5) Oh yeah, she's hot
Where have a seen a woman like that before?
I married one.
And This Is What They Do OUTSIDE...

Poached from Rachel Lucas