The Language Bugs Me a Bit Here...
One of the reasons, IMO, that Washington has so many problems with elections is that we have so dang many of them. We just had a general election in November, but now the local school board (North Thurston School District) has apparently determined that an "emergency" exists requiring them to have a special election on the question of issuing over $100 million in bonds to pay for school improvements. (Translation: they were pretty sure the measure would fail if they put it up in the general election, when more people were paying attention. So they waited a couple of months, when they can have their own special election-their bond measure is the only item on the ballot-when their supporters can propel them to victory due to voter apathy.)
My first question: if it's so dang urgent, why didn't you put this on the ballot 3 months ago? (I just explained why.)
My second question: What the hell are you doing with the buttloads of money I already send you in taxes? It's not like you couldn't figure out years ago that existing schools would need upgrades and repairs, that more people were moving into the district, which would eventually require expansion, and therefore put some money awey in each year's budget for these easily anticipated needs. No, like any rapaciously self serving bureacracy, you spent every last penny you got as soon as you could, so as to justify your request for more money the next year.
Third question: I heard your radio commercial, which said that no new taxes would be required to pay for the bonds. (Then why, exactly, do you need the bonds?) So explain to me this bit of language in the enabling resolution:
Said bonds shall be general obligations of the District and, unless paid from other sources, both principal thereof and interest thereon shall be payable out of annual tax levies to be made upon all the taxable property within the District without limitation as to rate or amount and in excess of any constitutional or statutory tax limitations.
That sounds to me like you're asking to raise my taxes. Any lawyers out there like to give me a hand on interpreting that language. Because I'm of a mind to tell them to sod off.
Thesis Ideas
If (or more hopefully, when) I were to have the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in political science/constitutional law, I think the title of my thesis would be: From Munn to Kelo: SCOTUS and the Erosion of Property Rights. In Munn v Illinois, decided in 1877, SCOTUS ruled in favor of the state's authority to regulate rates charged by private businees (a grain elevator company) for their services. And we all know what happened in Kelo. Of course, this would in large part skip over Congress' role, especially with things like the provisions of some of the various civil rights laws, which suddenly declared that private businesses were now public accomodations, and thus to be denied freedom of association (ie, freedom to discriminate.)
For the Cosmoline Addicts
Those of you out there who collect Curio & Relic guns, or even if you just picked up one of the Yugo SKSs that have been available for a nice low price the last couple of years, know the joy of cosmoline removal. Playing around with various chemicals, stinking up the house by baking components in the oven-all of it. Just for ya'll, SurplusRifle.com has a series of three articles here, here, and here, on the best way to remove cosmoline, and how to build a low cost cosmo-bake oven using metal garbage cans and light bulbs. I'm looking at their ideas, working on how to make one that's easy to break down for better storage. I'd also look to add some sort of drip can to catch the cosmo for easier clean up. I'll post pictures one I build it.
Because My Wife is Hot
Oh, and #2 is cute, too.
Beer with Fun Names
El Jefe Weizen, by Hale's Ales of Seattle.

A bit on the bitter side, would have benfitted from some lemon. Then again, I've always preferred dunkelweizen.
Gun Links
First of all, the Carnival that puts more scunion on the onion than any other, the Carnival of Cordite, is back with it's 44th Edition.
Also, Les Jones' Weekly Gun Links return. Guess Les is finally getting to his New Years' Resolutions.