Another Political Quiz
An interesting one. I scored 35, which apparently puts me in the same place as Bob Dole. Probably because I don't really care one way or another about gay marriage.
Personally, I think the questions are slanted too much toward a forced dichotomy, especially the "Which group do you trust more?" section. For example, which do I trust more, pro athletes or team owners? Well, I trust them both to be out for themselves, but I had to pick one group. And as far as choosing between the executive and the legislative, well, I don't trust either one, nor the judicial for that matter. But that wasn't an option.
HT: The Castle
Checking Both Sides
You Are 48% Republican |  You aren't a full fledged Republican yet, but it's probably the party that fits you best. You probably consider yourself an independent Republican. You usually support the party, but you also think for yourself! |
You Are 8% Democrat |  If you have anything in common with the Democrat party, it's by sheer chance. You're a staunch conservative, and nothing is going to change that! |
Time to Save Those Pennies
Kevin keyed me in to this:
M1 CARBINES SOON TO BE AVAILABLE FROM THE CMP . The Army has transferred to the CMP a significant quantity of M1 Carbines. We are currently processing these carbines through our Inspection & Repair operations and expect to have some ready for sale by 1 March, 2007, but it may be sooner. More information will be posted on http://www.odcmp.com/rifles/carbine.htm as it becomes available. At this time no decisions have been made as to grading, pricing, or limits. We are not accepting orders or establishing waiting lists at this time.
Looks like I'll be putting off any new (old) gun purchases until then. The bonus is that the M1 carbine should be something the Mrs will like to shoot, too.